
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Summer Vaca...

We are almost home from what feels like a journey around the world! The trip was great, however, I am very glad to be going home.

Little brother is all graduated. Wow. Seems like yesterday he had a head full of curly blonde hair running around outside screaming and playing in the dirt. It's possible he might move to Kansas. (Matt & I are very hopeful)

Maryland was good! It was so muggy there and down in Texas. I'm definitely not a huge fan of that! We ate some awesome crabs, saw lots of family and had fun listening to old stories that my so in-love grandparents told. I am inspired to have a marriage with Matt like they have. We visited the campsite that Maw-Maw & Granddaddy have. They were so sweet and rented us a cabin there for our wedding gift. It was like a little honeymoon. We loved it! :)

Something new I tried was a winery. We liked it so much we went twice while we were in Texas. We HAD to take mom!

Here are some pics from our journey:

Until next time...
Kelley Nicole

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