
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Baby Bear!

Hi! Holy moly do I have exciting news to share! Matthew and I are expecting our first child! The due date is May 28, 2014! We nicknamed it "Baby Bear" since we are not finding out the sex, bears are cute and we are both hairy. :) Every day I am falling more and more in love with baby bear. I believe it's time to start feeling bear move around. I swear I feel flutters but it's probably wishful thinking. I am sick at least once a week, which I am grateful for it because supposedly it means the baby is healthy (or you're having multiples). We saw a quick glimpse of baby bear and only saw one so no buying for two for now!

In other news, it's almost Christmas which means almost time to see my family!! I don't get to see them very often since they live in two different states so I am really looking forward to them visiting us in our new house and having our Christmas meal together. I am also looking forward to seeing my sister and brother in law from Oklahoma. I am betting roasting marshmallows and drinking hot cocoa or cappuccino is in the future. Yum!

Ok, one more thing I'm excited about...using my new camera that Matt surprised me with for Christmas. I've been wanting a nicer camera that I can upgrade parts as I get more experience plus we need a good camera to capture Baby Bear's life moments so he bought one. He did really good! It is a Canon EOS Rebel T3. I love it so far and plan on having it out during the Christmas holiday. Be prepared family!

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and gets to spend as much time with loved ones as possible.

Until next time...
Kelley Nicole

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