
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

FAVORITES: October 2014

Make Me Up Mia

Hello there! This is my first link up with my dear friend/SIL Make Me Up Mia! She posts monthly on her new favorite items and I thought I'd join for October! See her post here.

Here are a few of my favorite new things!


Mia gave me this to use for blending concealer but also told me some people use it for applying their foundation. I tried applying my foundation with it and love it so it's now a part of my routine.


I was out and about on Halloween so I stopped by the store to get some "spirits"...haha, get it? I saw this and had to try it. It was delicious! I like almost any wine but this one is a good one for those sweet wine lovers.


I seriously don't know why I waited so long to try jeggings! They are super comfy, go great with boots and look good too. I bought them for a night out on the town with girlfriends and am so glad I did!


I recently joined up with Kansas Women Bloggers to grow my blogging community. It's a great way to connect with other bloggers, especially those close to me. You should look for a group of women bloggers for your state because I'm sure that there is one! Another great group I like to blog with is Rural Housewives.

Well, that concludes my monthly favorites for October. I could probably go on but my 5 month old son says otherwise........



  1. So much goodness here, thanks for joining in!! So glad you like the Beauty Blender, I kept meaning to ask you what you thought haha. I want to try that wine and those jeggings look perfect! Love that you joined the Kansas Women Bloggers. I'm part of the OK one and I've met some sweet friends and we had a meetup recently too :) Great way to connect!

  2. I have a few woman I know close to me but we have never done anything. I want to find a community close to me. I'm sure I will find one soon.

    1. Where are you from? I haven't met anyone in my region yet but hope to as well. Good luck!

  3. Thanks for joining the link up, Kelley! That wine sounds delicious!!
