
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Cheers To A New Year

Happy New Year! I hope your 2015 will be everything that you hope for! I woke up with a NyQuil hangover. I partied really hard with my eyes closed last night! :) Little man and I have been sick for about a week now. With that being said, I have made a few goals for this year and I'm looking forward to achieving them. It's not going to be easy, but it will be worth it.

At this time, I want to say THANK YOU all for being here and reading my posts. I appreciate all of your support and hope to bring you more stories and things that I love, in the new year!

Remember to spread a little more love (or a lot) this year and that we are all in this life together...Happy 2015!

- Kelley Nicole


  1. Happy happy new year Kelley, love you!! Hope you're cozy and warm with your boys today :)

    1. Happy New Year & love you too!! I hope you had a great night. I am inside keeping warm with Thomas while Matt is out working like always! Lol

  2. Happy New Year, Kelley and your guys. Hope you and your little one get to feeling better quickly! Enjoy your blog.
