
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Routine or Not?

We all have that thing. That thing that we rely on for our sanity, our routine, something that helps our day go. Mine is coffee (with plenty of that frou-frou stuff). After being diagnosed with GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) I was bummed that coffee was on the no-no list. So I slowly reduced how much I was drinking every day. With that being said...I still drink it!

Anyway, here's the deal. Coffee peps me up for my day raising my son, studying, housework, errands or whatever else we have planned. I can make do without it but choose not to. I am sort of a sucker for routine. I have a way that I do things (from loading the dishwasher to cooking things a certain way) and I enjoy sticking with it. When my plans get messed up, I get ridiculously upset which I am not proud of. I feel horrible after reacting to a situation that doesn't go the way that I plan. Since being with my husband, who is not as big of a planner like I am, I've had to adapt. I am slowly getting better.

Routine isn't always bad. I believe routine is good when it comes to children. I was struggling with my son's sleep patterns around 6 months old. Finally one of my best friends suggested that I establish a routine and stick to it so I can get some good sleep. It worked! So now, I struggle with being "that mom" that wants to be home at a certain time so my son can get his bath, pjs on, stories read, bottle time and in bed that he is accustomed to. You win some, you lose some!

Do you have a routine that you stick to? Have you had to "let go" of your planning way? I would love to hear!


  1. I think routines are great. Oh yes, our days are pretty routine, especially gym days. I plan everything in my planner haha! It's just me and I'm ok with it :)

    1. You are the best at planning and organizing! And with your busy schedule, you have to be :)

  2. Your best friend sounds pretty smart! :) Routine is great for babies and kids. My daughter is so easy going because she knows what to expect in our day to day lives. I could never give up coffee either, but I'm proud of you for cutting back! Speaking of coffee, I'm going to make some now. Miss you ldbf!

    1. Yep, she is very smart! Thank you so much for all of your advice.Enjoy your coffee! Miss you too ldbf!!

  3. Uhh I do NOT function well when my routines are disturbed!! For example: I have an order to the way I get gas. I do the same things, in the same order every time. Once the machine messed up my routine and told me to pay inside, so I decided to get gas at the next place, then drove away with the hose still in my car!! It didn't break thank goodness but it was pretty embarrassing. =p

    1. Oh my gosh Kadee! If the pump makes me go pay inside, I go to another gas station too!

  4. Routines can provide structure to our days and our lives. Sometimes it is important to insert a little novelty to keep things fresh.

  5. Routine when you have children is a must! During our last move, we ended up staying with my sister, her bf & their roomates for SIX weeks! We were all DYING! We just missed our routine so much!

    Oh & thanks for linking up with the best of the blogosphere link up! :)

    1. Oh wow Amber! I would have been too! Thanks for reading :)
