
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

My New Fun Thing!!

Hey there! I wanted to share with you that I've joined Scentsy Fragrance! I am literally addicted to the stuff so I decided to sell it. Honestly, another reason for selling it was to have something for myself, something that I enjoy and can do to take my mind out of "mommy mode". There are so many great products available and they make me happy so I would like to share that joy with you :)
My website is if you ever want to check everything out!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Rain, Rain, Go Away

For so many people, rain is a great thing. And to an extent, it is. But too much of it, can be a bad thing for those of us that depend on dirt roads to make a living. I am sure the farmers are ecstatic that their crops are getting the much deserved drink they need to grow healthy. But for the oil field workers - in particular, the tanker truck drivers - it is not good at all.

Our house is located a little over a mile off of the nearest highway. If my husband can get to the highway that's great but then he has to worry about getting into leases to load and unload the oil. The roads to the leases are dirt, not necessarily well maintained and all it takes is one or two good rains to make it impossible to get in and out of. It's been raining for forever days.

The time my son and I get with my husband is wonderful but our bank account is depleting. I'm not going to lie that I am a little worried but I am trying to have faith that everything will go back to normal. This makes me realize how uneasy it must be for farmers to have to depend on the weather to ensure a good season or not. I am not a fan!

Luckily, we are not completely confined to the house. We have 4 wheel drive vehicles that get us to where we need to go with a little sweat from gripping the wheel as we slip and slide. So until it dries up and everyone starts talking about the drought again, I am using this time to catch up on family time, school work and preparing for upcoming events that are sure to be fun.

Have you been effected by the weather?

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mom, I Love You Because...

There are so many reasons why I love you. First of all, because you gave me life. Second of all, you are just awesome and thirdly, you've turned into a best friend that always has my back. You have helped me get over insecurities and fears, look more positively at situations and help me laugh at silly little things that has me in knots.

You don't get the credit you deserve all of the time so I wanted to take the time to do so. Especially after watching sweet segments of the Today Show stars with their mothers and thinking "I should do that for mine."
There you are, supporting me with something I always. You are looking hot in your 90's attire! 

Love my Mom, Maw Maw and Grandma.

Here's to all of the fun times we've had and to the times we have ahead! Thanks for all that you've done and will do. I love you! Happy Mother's Day!