
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mom, I Love You Because...

There are so many reasons why I love you. First of all, because you gave me life. Second of all, you are just awesome and thirdly, you've turned into a best friend that always has my back. You have helped me get over insecurities and fears, look more positively at situations and help me laugh at silly little things that has me in knots.

You don't get the credit you deserve all of the time so I wanted to take the time to do so. Especially after watching sweet segments of the Today Show stars with their mothers and thinking "I should do that for mine."
There you are, supporting me with something I always. You are looking hot in your 90's attire! 

Love my Mom, Maw Maw and Grandma.

Here's to all of the fun times we've had and to the times we have ahead! Thanks for all that you've done and will do. I love you! Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh Kelley, this is awesome! Thank you so much & I love you too 💖
