
Friday, January 29, 2016

My New(er) Life

It's been a while since I've updated! I've been a little preoccupied...I had my beautiful baby girl on October 15th!

We didn't know the gender and boys run in the family so we were shocked to have a girl! We are so grateful for her. She is usually happy unless she's hungry, but who isn't?

How cute is she? I hope she's a dancer like I was :)
Life was a little tough for just a little while after we brought her home. Big brother wasn't sure what was going on for a few days and then he realized that she's not leaving so it's been fun ever since. 
Sleep deprivation hit me bad for the first two weeks and got slightly better within the next two weeks. I was sort of a zombie mommy during that time!
I've finally started to get sort of a "groove" for how the house works with two under two. I am so thankful that my mom was able to stay for a month to help me. My husband is a huge help too. In the meantime, between October and now, I finished my Healthcare Documentation schooling, applied for several part-time at-home jobs, kept my Scentsy business going, all along with my regular duties. The oilfield continues to go downhill and my husband's job is finally effected by it. His pay has gone down, but he continues to work hard and make it work for us.

Love our family!
He's growing up so fast!
In the upcoming year I turn 30. Woo! I don't feel 30, mentally. Physically, I'm starting to feel old, but I think having babies help with that process! I am anxious to see what else this year unfolds. I'll try my best to keep you updated!

Thanks for reading!

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