
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Baby Bear!

Hi! Holy moly do I have exciting news to share! Matthew and I are expecting our first child! The due date is May 28, 2014! We nicknamed it "Baby Bear" since we are not finding out the sex, bears are cute and we are both hairy. :) Every day I am falling more and more in love with baby bear. I believe it's time to start feeling bear move around. I swear I feel flutters but it's probably wishful thinking. I am sick at least once a week, which I am grateful for it because supposedly it means the baby is healthy (or you're having multiples). We saw a quick glimpse of baby bear and only saw one so no buying for two for now!

In other news, it's almost Christmas which means almost time to see my family!! I don't get to see them very often since they live in two different states so I am really looking forward to them visiting us in our new house and having our Christmas meal together. I am also looking forward to seeing my sister and brother in law from Oklahoma. I am betting roasting marshmallows and drinking hot cocoa or cappuccino is in the future. Yum!

Ok, one more thing I'm excited about...using my new camera that Matt surprised me with for Christmas. I've been wanting a nicer camera that I can upgrade parts as I get more experience plus we need a good camera to capture Baby Bear's life moments so he bought one. He did really good! It is a Canon EOS Rebel T3. I love it so far and plan on having it out during the Christmas holiday. Be prepared family!

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and gets to spend as much time with loved ones as possible.

Until next time...
Kelley Nicole

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Harvest 2013

This is a big thing around here...Wheat Harvest.

I've never experienced it before now and let me say, it's been quite interesting! I love how alive the county seems to be with all of the big tractors and trucks moving around.

Last night I got to go with Matt to help a local farmer who also sold Matt our house and also owns the veterinary clinic with his wife in Utica that Matt's stepmom works at. Matt's job was to get the grain truck, meet up with Randy in the combine (aka: green chopper thing), Randy will "top it off" with what he's cut since loading the truck last and Matt will haul it into town (Utica) to unload at the elevator then take the truck back.

It was very interesting to me to see the whole process. I have been pretty much a city girl my whole life. I have to say though, this is sort of neat and I love where I live. I especially love the people here. I do miss my family a whole lot!!

Here are some pictures I snapped from last night. Hope you enjoy them!

Leaving the field to meet Randy

Randy topping off the top with more grain

We were next to go into the elevator to dump the truck

Outside of the elevator we were just in

The sunset after we got back in the bronco to head home

A piece of wheat I picked out of the field that wasn't chopped up

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Summer Vaca...

We are almost home from what feels like a journey around the world! The trip was great, however, I am very glad to be going home.

Little brother is all graduated. Wow. Seems like yesterday he had a head full of curly blonde hair running around outside screaming and playing in the dirt. It's possible he might move to Kansas. (Matt & I are very hopeful)

Maryland was good! It was so muggy there and down in Texas. I'm definitely not a huge fan of that! We ate some awesome crabs, saw lots of family and had fun listening to old stories that my so in-love grandparents told. I am inspired to have a marriage with Matt like they have. We visited the campsite that Maw-Maw & Granddaddy have. They were so sweet and rented us a cabin there for our wedding gift. It was like a little honeymoon. We loved it! :)

Something new I tried was a winery. We liked it so much we went twice while we were in Texas. We HAD to take mom!

Here are some pics from our journey:

Until next time...
Kelley Nicole